Julia Domna. Ae 3-assaria. Serdica in Thrace. Wife of Septimius Severus.

Date: Wife of Septimius Severus.
Denomination: Ae 3-assaria. Serdica in Thrace.
Obverse: Draped bust of Domna right.
Reverse: Artemis advancing right with bow.
24.46 millimetres. Weight 8.59 grams.
Grade: Extremely Fine.
Condition: Flan flaw at base of bust on obverse as shown. Smooth dark patina and really nice quality.

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GETA. AR denarius. 209 – 212 A.D.

Date: 209 - 212 A.D.
Denomination: AR denarius.
Obverse: Bare-headed bust of Geta right.
Reverse: PROVID DEORVM: Providence standing left pointing baton at globe on ground.
17.66 millimetres. Weight 3.41 grams.
Grade: Nearly Extremely Fine.
Condition: Very minor edge split. Good metal and an excellent portrait.

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Septimius Severus. AR denarius. 193 – 211 A.D.

Date: 193 - 211 A.D.
Denomination: AR denarius.
Obverse: Laureate bust of Severus right.
Reverse: INDVLGENTIA AVGG, IN CARTH in exergue. Dea Caelestis riding right on a lion, holding thunderbolt and scepter; below water gushing from rock.
19.17 millimetres. Weight 3.58 grams.
Grade: Very Fine.

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Seleukid Kingdom. Carrhae(?) mint. Seleukos I, Nikator. AR tetradrachm. 312-281 B.C.

Date: 312-281 B.C.
Denomination: AR tetradrachm.
Obverse: Head of young Herakles right draped in lion's skin head dress.
Reverse: Zeus seated left, Monograms in left field and beneath throne, labrys in left field.
26.11 millimetres. Weight 16.87 grams.
Grade: Nearly Extremely Fine.
Condition: Deep strike both sides, excellent metal. Rare.

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CONSTANTINE I. Ae follis. London. 306-337 A.D.

Date: 306-337 A.D.
Denomination: Ae follis. London.
Obverse: Helmeted bust of Constantine left and holding spear and shield.
Reverse: COMITI AVGGNN: Sol standing left, * in right field. PLN in exergue.
22.02 millimetres. Weight 4.34 grams.
Grade: Extremely Fine.
Condition: Glosst surfaces and virtually as struck
References: RIC 177.

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Galba. Ae sestertius. 68 – 69 A.D.

Date: 68 - 69 A.D.
Denomination: Ae sestertius.
Obverse: Laureate bust of Galba right.
Reverse: LIBERTAS PVBLICA SC: Libertas standing left.
34.16 millimetres. Weight 25.36 grams.
Grade: Very Fine.
Condition: Some porosity in obverse field. Super portrait.

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Septimius Severus. AR denarius. 193 – 211 A.D.

Date: 193 - 211 A.D.
Denomination: AR denarius.
Obverse: Laureate bust of Severus right.
Reverse: MONETA AVGG: Moneta seated left.
19.15 millimetres. Weight 3.51 grams.
Grade: Nearly Extremely Fine.
Condition: Reverse die slightly soft. Superb portrait.

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Very large piece of ‘architectural’ bizmuth crystals. Superb colours.

Superb large specimen of laboratory-grown bizmuth crystals.

: 254 grams. Size as per measure in photographs. Scale is in centimetres.

Date: New.


Condition: Specially selected from a large group for the attractiveness of colour and the complexity of the shape.

Notes: Bizmuth is a natural element, Symbol Bi, atomic number 83. It is the most. Though virtually unseen in nature, high-purity bismuth can form distinctive, colourful hopper crystals. It is relatively non-toxic and has a low melting point just above 271¡C. The variations in the thickness of the oxide layer that forms on the surface of the crystal causes different wavelengths of light to interfere upon reflection, creating really vivid colours as shown in the photographs.

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Nice-quality fossil cave bear tooth.

Nice quality tooth from an extinct cave bear, species Ursus spelaeus from Romania.

: 4.68 centimetres long.

Date: Pleistocene. 100,000 - 40,000 years old.

Provenance: Carpathian Mountains, Romania.

Condition: Preserved at source with a light coat of shellac. Specially selected as the best from a large group offered at Munich fossil show about twelve years ago. Please note that this piece is larger and better preserved than most similar items offered on ebay.

Notes: Ursus spelaeus: one of the largest bear species ever to walk the planet. Erect size could be over three metres weighing over a ton.

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Interesting ammonite death bed from Germany.

Group of Dactylioceras athleticum species ammonites in a sandy, friable matrix. Supplied with a two-piece acrylic stand to help display the piece.

: Size as shown on the measure in the photographs. The scale is in centimetres.

Date: Jurassic, Upper Toarcian, Bifrons Zone.165 million years old.

Provenance: Schlaifhausen, near Forchheim, Germany.

Condition: Condition as shown. Becoming very difficult to find since the site was closed to further excavation several years ago. Purchased at Munich fossil show around ten years ago and in storage since.


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Original fossil Brittle Star (starfish) in Matrix. 470 million years old.

Attractive large fossil brittle star, species Ophioroideia, the matrix natural, the fossil given its colour by a natural layer of Limonite (a secondary mineral consisting of a mixture of hydrous ferric oxides,)

: 22.7 cms. 1.27 kilogramms.

Date: Middle Ordovician. 470-458 million years old.

Provenance: From Morocco.

Condition: Single hairline repair crack up the centre otherwise intact and totally natural.


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Superb double-sided piece of polished Labradorite

Polished piece of labradorite with superb luminescence as shown in the pictures.

: 8.3 cms on longest axis. 124 grams.


Provenance: From Madagascar.

Condition: This and the other polished pieces we have offered were selected as the best few pieces from a shipment of over a thousand pieces shipped into France from Madagascar this year. They are far, far nicer than 95% of similar pieces on the market and should be regarded as mineral specimens rather than just pretty stones. The photographs have been taken at the best angle to highlight the superb colours.

Notes: Labradorite is a remarkable mineral. When viewed in daylight, it presents itself as a really nice stone with attractive subdued opalescent iridescence, approaching nice opals in attractiveness but with the hues tending to be less multi-coloured and more subdued. Expose the same piece to lamplight, hold it at the correct angle and it transforms into probably the most beautiful mineral in the world. The image with subdued colours shows the piece as it appears in daylight.

This 'labradorescence' is caused by the peculiar reflection of the light from sub-microscopical crystal planes orientated in one direction. Hold a piece in a light source so that the light is diametrically opposite the plane of alignment and the best pieces glow with the most vivid colours imaginable as shown in the photographs.

This piece, and the other pieces we have offered were carefully selected from literally, hundreds of pieces in a recent shipment of selected piece from Madagascar as the best in the whole group. They are very, very difficult to better for attractiveness.

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Pair of fossil shrimps from Labanon.

Pair of fossil shrimps, species Carpopenaeus Callirostriswith two further examples showing in the matrix. In amatrix of sub-oolitic limestone.

: Size is as per the measure in the photographs. The scale is in centimetres.

Date: Upper Cretaceous Period. Cenomanian. 99 - 93 million years old.

Provenance: Hadjoula village, Lebanon.

Condition: Excellent details.

Notes: Supplied with an acrylic clip stand to display the piece. Purchased directly from the Lebanese quarry owners on 2008. Picked for the best quality / price combination from a large group. Prepared in Lebanon and recleaned and conserved by us. Completely intact and natural apart from the extremities of the limbs which have been enhanced at source on most examples on the market. We have protected the surface with a thin layer of micro-crystalline wax as used by most major museums.

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North West Africa Meteorite offer. 4 billion years old.

A group of angular meteorite fragments From North West Africa that were formed when a much larger example exploded on the atmosphere. Each piece is between 78 and 88 grams.

Please note: The price is for one piece from the group, not the whole group.

: Size as shown on the scale in the photographs. Scale is in centimetres.

Date: Formed 4 billion years ago.

Provenance: North West Africa.

Condition: All are guaranteed genuine and exactly as found with natural patinas.

Notes: Suppllied with a two-piece acrylic stand to help display the piece.

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Excellent large Diplomystus fossil fish

Beautifully detailed and totally natural Diplomystus fossil fish on matrix.


Date: Tertiary; Eocene; Green River Formation. Around 48 million years old.

Provenance: Tynsky quarry. Kemmerer, Wyoming, USA.

Condition: Super quality and totally natural. conserved with a light coat of micro-crystalline wax as used by most museums.

Notes: Supplied with the free acrylic clip stand shown in the pictures Please do check the size against the measure shown at the bottom of the main photograph. Quite a lot of the fish we list are larger than those normally offered on the web.

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Intact tooth from Carcharodontosaurus Saharicus dinosaur. One of the largest predator dinosaurs.

: 3.55 cms long.

Date: Albian, Cretaceous Period.

Provenance: Kem Kem Basin, Southern Morocco

Condition: Intact, worn as shown.

Notes: Sent out in a museum specimen box with a small description card showing a representation of a Carcharodon based on the skeletal fossil remains which have been found.

See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sp2v1Wjr3NI for a video about this species from Planet Dinosaur shown originally on the BBC.

Carcharodontosaurus includes some of the longest and heaviest known carnivorous dinosaurs, with various scientists proposing length estimates for the species C. saharicus ranging between 12 and 13.3Êm (39 and 44Êft) and weight estimates between 6.2 and 15.1 metric tons. Carcharodontosaurus were carnivores, with enormous jaws and long, serrated teeth up to eight inches long. A discovered skull for Carcharodontosaurus saharicus measuring about 1.6 meters (5.2Êft) long has been restored for C. saharicus, These really were amongst the true heavy weights of carniverous dionsaurs rivalling T. Rex.

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Good-sized Diplomystus fossil fish. Circa 48 m.y.o. Green River formation.

Nice specimen of Diplomystus fossil fish on original limestone matrix, and from the famous Green River formation in Wyoming, USA.

: Weight 402 grams. Fish size 14.8 cms Matrix size isas shown on the measure shown in the photographs. The smaller upper scale is in centimetres, the larger, lower scale is in inches.

Date: Tertiary; Eocene; Green River Formation. Around 48 million years old.




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